Strip and Dare Beer Pong

Strip and Dare Beer Pong
By Daring VenturesItem # 6066

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Do things the sexy and fun way with Strip and Dare Beer Pong. Not only do you drink in this wildly popular co-ed version of beer pong, you're stripping and performing sexy dares too! When a player successfully throws a ball into an opponent's cup, the opponent must remove the cup and drink its contents - plus perform a sexy dare or strip 1 article of clothes. It is a seductive game of Beer Pong that is sexy social and fun! After countless hours of the same old beer pong and fed up with heavy and expensive beer pong tables, they finally came up with a Portable Beer Pong Table Mat that adds a hot, sexy and daring twist to the game. Strip and Dare enables both guys and girls to party righteously. The first team to eliminate all their opponents' cups wins the game. 3 inches long by 2 inches wide by 5 inches tall.